The Translational Lab, located at Saarland University Hospital and the Bosenberg Rehabilitation Center, focuses on the translation of neuroscience and neuroengineering research into clinical medicine.
The Systems Neuroscience & Neurotechnology Unit (SNNU), directed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel J. Strauss, performs multidisciplinary research on multiscale systems neuroscience, quantitative neuromodeling and neuroimaging.
We try to bridge the gap between theoretical and computational approaches in systems neuroscience and neurotechnological applications in medicine (Translational Lab : Dr. C. Bernarding) and human-machine-interface research (Mindscan Lab : Dr. F. I. Corona-Strauss). We are particularly interested in neural correlates of attention and cognitive effort. Our methodological focus is on signal processing, computational modeling, neuroimaging techniques for several spatiotemporal scales (Multiscale Lab : Dr. L. Haab) and contact-less methods for neurocognitive and neurophysiological assessment.
The SNNU belongs to the Medical Faculty of Saarland University and the Faculty of Engineering at the Saarland University of Applied Sciences. The specific research sites of our three labs are within the Neurocenter of the Saarland University Hospital (since 2005), the Technikum of the Saarland University of Applied Sciences (since 2012) and the MediClin Bosenberg Rehabilitation Center (since 2014). In an institutionalized collaboration with the Leibniz-Institute for New Materials we installed the Neurocognitive Haptics Lab in 2013. The Neurocognitive Driving Test Field was established in 2015, followed by the Visual Computing Lab in 2017.